February 2025
Deer Hunting Skills – Deer Processing
Rocky Mount, VA
This Deer Processing hands-on class is to demonstrate large game butchering and processing for beginners and those experienced with interest. Deer skinning, butchering and packaging for transport will all be done by participants under the guidance of Hunter Education Instructors. Participants are encouraged to bring a cooler for transporting venison to take home and to bring a lunch. Rain or shine. No personal knives allowed.
Squirrel Hunting Skills
Churchville, VA
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources is sponsoring a winter squirrel hunt on Saturday February 22, 2025. The hunt, weather permitting, will be held at the Staunton Augusta Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA). The class is limited to 10 participants.
The day will begin at 9 a.m. with a power point presentation, safety discussions, and a live fire exercise. Participants may bring their own shotgun and ammunition (# 4 or #6). Shotguns and ammunition will be provided for those who do not have their own. Lunch will be provided. After lunch, participants will be paired one-on-one with a DWR instructor(s) to go on an actual hunt on the Chapter property or adjacent National Forest. Participants will return to the Chapter house approximately at 3 p.m. for a follow-up exercise. All activities will be completed by 4 p.m.
Participants must have:
Eye and ear protection for the live fire exercise
Valid hunting license with National Forest Stamp
Blaze orange hat and/or vest
Appropriate cold weather clothing and footwear
The Izaak Walton Property is three fourths of a mile off Route 250 outside Churchville, Virginia. The property house has been winterized and there are no indoor restrooms. There is an accessible porta potty outside. Some of the hunting areas are suitable for individuals with physical disabilities. Detailed directions to the class location will provided on the registration page.
This activity could be cancelled depending on weather conditions or driveway conditions that lead to the Izaak Walton property. If the activity must be cancelled, you will receive an email one to two days prior to the scheduled hunt.
March 2025
Deer Hunting Skills – Saddle Hunting
Powhatan, VA
Join us for an exciting saddle hunting event. A hunting saddle is a device for hunting from a tree while in an elevated position. Our instructors will demonstrate how to stay connected to the tree at all times, so you stay safe while hunting. We will be discussing safe saddle hunting, saddle hunting equipment, saddle hunting techniques and demonstrations on one sticking.
Bring your saddle and learn how to use it safely and correctly while hunting. If you don't have a hunting saddle, we will have some available for you to try.
About the Location:
Once you turn onto Deer Lane, follow it all the way back to the left until you arrive at the location.
Shooting Skills – Spring Gobbler Season
Remington, VA
Bring your shotgun, choke, and shells that you intend to use for Spring Gobbler season. We will plan to meet at the Phelps Sighting-in Range. DWR will have some targets and professionals that can help you dial-in your firearm for that perfect pattern. Please ensure that any optics have been mounted and bore-sighted prior to March 8th to ensure a most successful outcome for your range day and patterning.
Turkey Hunting Skills – Shotgun Patterning
Elkton, VA
Join us for an exciting shotgun patterning class. Bring your shotgun and turkey ammo and we will help you get set up for the Spring turkey season. If you don't have a shotgun, we will provide you with one to shoot so you can learn the basics of patterning.
Turkey Hunting Skills and Shotgun Patterning Clinic
Virginia Beach, VA
The classroom portion of this clinic will cover the basics of turkey calling and hunting strategies, including the use of blinds and set-up.
For the shotgun patterning portion, please bring your own firearm and appropriate shells (only factory loads, no reloaded shells), as well as eye and ear protection. All firearms will be kept cased and only placed on the range when told to do so by the Instructor; otherwise, firearms must be unloaded and cased as well as locked in your vehicle during other segments of this clinic. No firearms are allowed in the classroom.
Instruction will be provided by Certified Virginia Hunter Education Instructors.
Turkey Hunting Skills
Franklin, VA
ALL CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 18 MUST ATTEND WITH A PARENT OR GUARDIAN WHO IS ALSO ENROLLED IN THE CLASS. This workshop for youth and adults 12 years old and up will focus on three turkey hunting topics:
1) Shooting Skills: Live fire (firearms and ammo provided). Feel free to bring your own shotgun (must be unloaded and cased as well as locked in your vehicle during other segments of this workshop)
2) Turkey Calling: Demonstrating different calls and their applications
3) Turkey Hunting Regulations and Hunting Strategies: Conducted by a Conservation Police Officer (regulations portion)
Lunch will be provided (details closer to the event) or bring your own. This is a rain or shine event.
Shooting Skills – Turkey Hunting Seminar
Luray, VA
This Turkey Hunting Seminar is for all levels of experience, from the novice to the experienced turkey hunter. We encourage you to bring a youth or woman hunter to this seminar with you. After completion of this seminar, you will be able to safely and ethically hunt for the wild turkey.
We will cover many topics in the seminar which will include history and biology of the wild turkey, calling and calling techniques, hunting strategies, firearms and ammunition, use of decoys and range estimation, seasons and legal requirements, and patterning your shotgun.
This event is free, and lunch will be provided. All students must register. The class size is limited to 25 students. No walk-in students, please.
If you intend to pattern your shotgun, please bring earmuffs, eye protection, your shotgun and the ammunition you will be using to hunt Tom Turkey. If you do not have a firearm, you can still participate in the patterning exercise.
Turkey Hunting Skills
Christiansburg, VA
Spring gobbler season can be an exciting time to hunt turkeys and get outside and enjoy the springtime outdoors. This class will cover basic turkey biology, where and how to find turkeys and locating public areas to hunt them, turkey calling and hunting techniques, game laws, and safety. We will demonstrate how to pattern your shotgun for better turkey hunting success. Feel free to bring your own shotgun to pattern on the range.
Introduction to Turkey Hunting
Appomattox, VA
Join us for an introductory turkey hunting workshop! This event will cover a wide range of topics to include the history of the wild turkey, turkey calling, decoys, and more. We will also provide an opportunity to pattern your shotgun. Please bring your own shotgun and ammo. It needs to be cased, action open, and shells separate. This is an outside event, so dress for the weather.
About the Location
Located in Appomattox/Buckingham State Forest in Appomattox County.
April 2025
Introduction to Archery and Spring Turkey Hunting
Staunton, VA
This is a two part class: 1) Introduction to Archery, and 2) Introduction to Spring Turkey Hunting.
The Introduction to Archery class is intended for individuals desiring to learn archery. Students will learn archery terms and techniques needed to successfully and safely engage targets with a bow and arrow. Students will be introduced to the various bows used for target shooting and hunting.
The Introduction to Spring Turkey Hunting class will discuss important factors of beginning spring gobbler hunting, with special discussion on safety.
About the Location:
The Parks and Recreation Department is located in Montgomery Hall Park. Follow the signs to the department office building across from the softball field. This is a one-way street. After parking, look for the side entrance to the building and follow the signs to the classroom.
Backwoods Survival for Hunters and Hikers
Delaplane, VA
Successful hunting and outdoor adventure depends on good planning and preparation, especially with the skills needed to survive the unexpected. When it comes to the outdoors, hunting and hiking pose the greatest risk of becoming lost, or worse; being lost, injured and unprepared to survive the elements. When your cell phone loses power and your GPS can’t find a signal, your best hope for making it through are the skills you’ll learn in this 4-hour block of hands-on, survival training. Led by expert instructors, you’ll practice advanced techniques for making fire in difficult situations. You’ll discover the most efficient methods of using essential survival gear. And you’ll learn to use those special features of map, compass and the natural surroundings guaranteed to keep you out of trouble, or enable self-rescue when the worst happens. Bring a friend and let us help get you ready for your next outdoor adventure.
May 2025
Shooting Skills – Beginning Archery
Verona, VA
This Beginning Archery class is intended for individuals desiring to learn archery. Students will learn archery terms and techniques needed to successfully and safely engage targets with a bow and arrow. Students will be using Genesis bows that can be easily drawn by all ages. Class will be held rain or shine. Dress accordingly with closed toe shoes. To sign up for this class, contact Augusta County Parks and Recreation at (540) 245-5727.