Virginia Wildlife
Why Wild Game?
A notable chef explains how his perspective on food shifted when he started hunting; the best foods come with a story after all. Read more…
Cool, Clear Water is Key for the Brook Trout’s Future
While Virginia’s charismatic state fish the brook trout is facing some challenges in their population, efforts are underway to help them thrive. Read more…
A Snake in the Grass is A Very Good Thing
Snakes might strike fear into the hearts of some, but co-existing with these fascinating animals can is beneficial for them and us. Read more…
Good Fire on the Mountain
A wall of smoke and fire rolling across a Virginia mountaintop is normally a sight to stoke fear in nearby locals but planned fires are good fires. Read more…
Keeping Up With The Peregrines
The live video stream of a breeding pair of peregrine falcons is entertaining and educational for the public, but also provides valuable data for biologists. Read more…
Falconry Gives a Front Row View of Nature at Work
The ancient art of hunting with raptors requires dedication and passion for the sport and the birds to use this unique form of hunting. Read more…
Menace of the Marsh
DWR is making a concerted effort to ensure that nutria, an invasive rodent species destructive to wetlands, don't spread north into the state. Read more…
From Delicacy to Decline: A Tale of the Diamond-Backed Terrapin
The Northern diamond-backed terrapin has played an interesting role in the culture and history of Virginia’s shore over the centuries. Read more…
Shell Game
When someone mentions the illegal wildlife trade, it usually creates mental images of exotic animals; most people would not think of turtles. Read more…