Seeking to Understand the Piping Plover’s Precarious Recent Trends
While the Atlantic Coast sub-population of piping plovers has been steadily increasing, Virginia's population of the species have been on the decline Read more…
Piping Plovers in Virginia
Piping plovers are federally threatened charismatic shorebird species that breeds on the beaches of Virginia's barrier islands. Read more…
The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Returns
A red-cockaded woodpecker identified as a maturing fledging from 2022’s clutch of two hatched eggs in Big Woods WMA one of the first from this location. Read more…
DWR’s Efforts to Restore the Wild Attract a Rare Bird to Lake Shenandoah
The habitat created and maintained at Lake Shenandoah attracted a rare avian visitor known as the MacGillivray's Warbler Read more…
Discovering Virginia’s Golden Eagles
In just 14 years, the golden eagle has gone from virtually unknown in Virginia to a species with a vast amount of data to inform future management decisions. Read more…
Prospecting for Gold – The Golden-Winged Warbler on Highland WMA
DWR biologists never fancied themselves as prospectors, but this past June they struck gold on the Highland WMA – in the form of the golden-winged warbler Read more…
Unmistakeable! A Painted Bunting in Virginia
A vibrantly colored species makes an unusual winter appearance in central Virginia; the painted bunting is a sight to see. Read more…
Plant Native Flowers for Hummingbirds and Other Pollinators and Birds
Many beautiful native flowers will attract hummingbirds providing nectar and creating great habitat for other pollinators and birds. Read more…
The Many Benefits of Virginia’s Non-Game Program
Many Virginians may be unaware of how beneficial the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources’ (DWR) non-game program is to all wildlife species. Read more…