| Alabama Bass | Micropterus henshalli | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Alewife | Alosa pseudoharengus | Herrings (Clupeidae) |
 | American Shad | Alosa sapidissima | Herrings (Clupeidae) |
 | Atlantic Sturgeon | Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus | Sturgeon (Acipenseridae) |
 | Banded Sunfish | Enneacanthus obesus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Black Crappie | Pomoxis nigromaculatus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Blackbanded Sunfish | Enneacanthus chaetodon | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Blackside Dace | Chrosomus cumberlandensis | Minnows and Carps (Leuciscidae) |
 | Blue Catfish | Ictalurus furcatus | Catfishes (Ictaluridae) |
 | Blueback Herring | Alosa aestivalis | Herrings (Clupeidae) |
 | Bluegill | Lepomis macrochirus | Sunfish (Centrarchidae) |
 | Bluespotted Sunfish | Enneacanthus gloriosus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Brook Trout | Salvelinus fontinalis | Trout (Salmonidae) |
 | Brown Trout | Salmo trutta | Trout (Salmonidae) |
 | Candy Darter | Etheostoma osburni | Darters (Percidae) |
 | Chain Pickerel | Esox niger | Pikes (Esocidae) |
 | Channel Catfish | Ictalurus punctatus | Catfishes (Ictaluridae) |
 | Common Carp | Cyprinus carpio | Minnows and Carps (Cyprindae) |
 | Flathead Catfish | Pylodictis olivaris | Catfishes (Ictaluridae) |
 | Flier | Centrarchus macropterus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Freshwater Drum | Aplodinotus grunniens | Drums (Sciaenidae) |
 | Green Sunfish | Lepomis cyanellus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Greenside Darter | Etheostoma blennioides | Perches (Percidae) |
 | Hickory Shad | Alosa mediocris | Herrings (Clupeidae) |
 | Hybrid Striped Bass | Morone chrysops × saxatilis | Temperate Basses (Moronidae) |
 | Largemouth Bass | Micropterus nigricans | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Longnose Gar | Lepisosteus osseus | Gars (Lepisosteidae) |
 | Mountain Redbelly Dace | Chrosomus oreas | Minnows and Carps (Leuciscidae) |
 | Muskellunge | Esox masquinongy | Pikes (Esocidae) |
 | Northern Pike | Esox lucius | Pikes (Esocidae) |
 | Northern Snakehead | Channa argus | Snakehead (Channidae) |
 | Pumpkinseed | Lepomis gibbosus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Rainbow Darter | Etheostoma caeruleum | Darters (Percidae) |
 | Rainbow Trout | Oncorhynchus mykiss | Trout (Salmonidae) |
 | Redbreast Sunfish | Lepomis auritus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Redear Sunfish | Lepomis microlophus | Sunfish (Centrarchidae) |
 | Roanoke Bass | Ambloplites cavifrons | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Roanoke Logperch | Percina rex | Darters (Percidae) |
 | Rock Bass | Ambloplites rupestris | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Ruddy Bowfin | Amia calva | Bowfin (Amiidae) |
 | Sauger | Sander canadensis | Perches (Percidae) |
 | Saugeye | Sander canadensis x vitreus | Perches (Percidae) |
 | Smallmouth Bass | Micropterus dolomieu | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Spotted Bass | Micropterus punctulatus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Striped Bass | Morone saxatilis | Temperate Basses (Moronidae) |
 | Walleye | Sander vitreus | Perches (Percidae) |
 | Warmouth | Lepomis gulosus | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | Warpaint Shiner | Coccotis coccogenis | Minnows and Carps (Leuciscidae) |
 | White Bass | Morone chrysops | Temperate Basses (Moronidae) |
 | White Catfish | Ameiurus catus | Catfishes (Ictaluridae) |
 | White Crappie | Pomoxis annularis | Sunfishes (Centrarchidae) |
 | White Perch | Morone americana | Temperate Basses (Moronidae) |
 | Yellow Perch | Perca flavescens | Perches (Percidae) |